Need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request? Contact us online.

Private Services

Certain services such as private sick certificates, medical reports, passport applications and private letters are not covered by the NHS and a charge will be made for them. 

Private GP Consultation available

A private consultation is available at the cost of £80 for patients not registered as NHS patients.

The London Aesthetic Clinic

Botox and Fillers Treatment. Please enquire at reception.


Self-referral: ask your doctor or reception for details.  

There are a selection of leaflets from the podiatrist below;


Self-referral: ask your doctor or reception for details. 

For information about Osteopathy services, see our brochure.

There are selection of leaflet from Osteopathy


Self referral: ask your doctor or reception for details.

Or phone M.Flynn on 07737735529